It can be hard to know when to choose home health. Let us help you determine if it could help you or your loved one

Are you or a loved struggling with a medical condition? Are you or your loved one finding it more difficult to perform everyday tasks? Have recent setbacks made it hard to be independent in the home? In the case of a new or developing disease, home health can help you maintain your health while allowing you or your loved one to stay within the comfort of home.

Here are some ways you can tell if home health may be beneficial to you:

  • It can be hard to know when to choose home health. Let us help you determine if it could help you or your loved oneAre there any new or changed medications?
  • Is there a new diagnosis?
  • Is the patient reporting any shortness of breath?
  • Has the patient had any falls (may occur with or without injury)
  • Is the patient reporting any dizziness or increased weakness?
  • Are there any symptoms with urination, such as burning, odor, or frequency?
  • Does the patient have any open areas of skin, including red, non-blanchable, areas, weeping adema?
  • Have there been any missed dosages of medication?
  • Has the patient had any changes in cognition/confusion/memory or difficulty sleeping?
  • Has the patient been hospitalized or seen in the ER since the last office visit?
  • Has the patient had any other changes/problems/symptoms since their last office visit?